News story: Unlicensed medicines busted in Bolton

A total of 4 people were arrested yesterday following morning raids in Bolton after MHRA (Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) investigators searched a series of addresses.

Officers executed searches at 5 locations across Bolton after a tireless investigation into a suspected network of illegal activity potentially running into the millions of pounds.

Investigators seized a large variety of prescription only medicine, including erectile dysfunction medication, hair loss medication, narcolepsy medication and steroids.

The suspects were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply medicines, class C controlled drugs and money laundering. The suspects have been taken into custody to be questioned by MHRA investigators.

MHRA’s Head of Enforcement, Alastair Jeffrey:

It is a serious criminal offence to sell potent unlicensed or prescription-only medicines.

Today’s arrests are a result of a determined investigation by teams dedicated to protecting public health.

We work relentlessly with regulatory and law enforcement colleagues to identify and prosecute those involved.

Those who sell medicines illegally are exploiting vulnerable people and have no regard for their health. Prescription only medicines are potent and should only be taken under medical supervision.

MHRA is currently running the #FakeMeds campaign to educate people about the dangers of buying potentially dangerous or useless unlicensed medicines sold by illegal online suppliers.

Visit for tips on buying medicines safely online and how to avoid unscrupulous sites.