News story: Spanish state visit 2017

King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain are in the UK on the first official Spanish state visit in more than 30 years.

Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain have started their 3-day state visit to the United Kingdom today, 12 July, at the invitation of Her Majesty the Queen.

This will be the first state visit to the UK by King Felipe and Queen Letizia. The last state visit from Spain was by King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia in 1986.

The visit will celebrate the very close royal, historic, cultural and commercial ties between our 2 countries.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson welcomes the King and Queen of Spain to the UK:

Boris Johnson welcome for the Spanish state visit

The UK and Spain are close allies: partners in NATO, the UN, G7 and G20 among numerous international organisations. We continue to co-operate in the European Union, and once the UK leaves the EU we want to strengthen our strong and constructive UK-Spain bilateral relationship.

The UK and Spain are major business partners. Spain is the 10th largest export market for UK companies, the UK exports more to Spain than India and Brazil combined.

British Ambassador to Spain Simon Manley talks about the close ties between our 2 countries:

Simon Manley talks about Spanish state visit