News story: Showcasing the successes and achievements of government scientists and engineers

The Government Science and Engineering (GSE) has released ‘The GSE Strategy: one year on’ report.

The report reflects on the successes and achievements of the profession over the last 12 months. It also highlights areas where more work is needed and where the GSE profession will be focusing its efforts in the upcoming year. This includes a continued drive to improve diversity across GSE, and meet its commitment to be a diverse and inclusive profession.

The report brings together case studies from departments and demonstrates how the GSE Profession Board has taken ownership of the strategy to ensure it is being embedded and implemented in departments.

Professor Chris Whitty, Interim Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA) and Head of GSE Profession, said:

I congratulate the profession on its impressive achievements over the past year. I am confident that we are on an upwards trajectory, and certain that if we continue to work together, we will achieve our shared vision for a ‘high profile, proud and effective GSE profession.’

To find out more about the report, read Chris Whitty’s introductory blog post.

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