News story: Scottish Secretary David Mundell responds to Labour Market Statistics


For the three months to April, Scotland’s overall labour market provides a strong and stable picture: employment increased robustly (+26,000); unemployment fell marginally (-3,000) and activity increased robustly too (+23,000). In addition, monthly claimant count numbers are worsening over the month of May, as there are 106,500 people in Scotland claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance and out-of-work Universal Credit (seasonally adjusted); this is up 1,300 on the month of May (provisional) and 18,500 up on the year before.

As a result, Scotland’s unemployment rate at 3.3% is the close to the recent record low and remains below that of the UK as a whole at 3.8%. Furthermore, the number of people employed in Scotland is at a new record high at 2,702,000. Although, Scotland’s employment rate, at 75.9%, remains just below the UK’s rate at 76.1%.

Responding to the figures the Scottish Secretary said:

It is encouraging to see that the number of people employed in Scotland is at a record high, while unemployment continues to fall.

The UK Government is investing in Scotland’s economy including more than £1.35 billion in city and growth deals, creating opportunities, jobs and long-term growth.

Our investment is having a real impact and I urge the Scottish Government to work with us to ensure this continues.

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