News story: Scots recognised by Queen’s Birthday Honours 2019

The Queen has recognised a long list of Scots in her Birthday Honours list this year.

Very many congratulations to all of Scotland‘s honours recipients. People from all walks of Scottish life have been recognised for their contributions to their communities and to our country.

I could not be more pleased that Boyd Tunnock has been awarded a knighthood. Sir Boyd has made a huge contribution to Scotland’s economy over many years. His iconic Scottish products are not just much-loved by people across Scotland, but are an international success story. Throughout his long career Sir Boyd has made a huge contribution to Scottish life, never failing to stand up for Scotland. There could not be a more worthy recipient of this honour.

Shelley Kerr’s MBE recognises her services to women’s football, boosting the success and popularity of the sport across the UK. I look forward to seeing her lead the Scottish team to victory on Sunday in France in their World Cup campaign.

George Bell’s OBE recognises the enormous contribution he has made to the lives of young people. Through his successful property maintenance company, the Bell Group, he has trained more than 1,000 apprentices, giving those young people skills and confidence and setting them on the course for prosperous and successful futures.

I offer my sincere congratulations to all the Scots who have been recognised by Her Majesty.