News story: Science Minister thanks ITER staff for international fusion research endeavour

  • Science Minister Chris Skidmore yesterday (29 May 2019) thanked UK staff at ITER, a nuclear fusion megaproject in Southern France
  • the minister addressed staff during a visit to the site and reassured them that the UK has put international science collaboration at the heart of its modern Industrial Strategy
  • he said he will do whatever he can to safeguard what continues to be a successful and productive collaboration between the UK and ITER

International collaboration is a great global endeavour, Science Minister Chris Skidmore has said during a visit to a nuclear fusion megaproject.

Addressing staff in Southern France, he reiterated that the UK is keen to continue its work with ITER and thanked staff for their ongoing work.

The minister reassured staff and their families that he will work tirelessly to help safeguard the productive collaboration between ITER and the UK.

Science Minister Chris Skidmore said:

Science and innovation do not recognise borders, which is why we must always work as part of a global endeavour to solve challenges and seize the opportunities of tomorrow.

International science and research collaboration is at the heart of our modern Industrial Strategy. I want to do everything I can to help ensure that the UK continues its successful relationship with ITER and that employees and their families can continue to live and work here.

That is why I have been in France today, to ensure our close engagement with Professor Bigot and his team continues.

Both the EU and UK have shown commitment to ongoing collaboration in fusion research. In March, a contract extension for the world’s largest fusion research facility, Joint European Torus (JET), was signed by the UK and the European Commission. The contract extension secures least €100 million in additional inward investment from the EU over the next 2 years for the JET facility and brought reassurance to more than 500 staff at the site in Culham, near Oxford.