News story: RWM attend 2018 LGA Conference

Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) is this week (3-5 July) attending the Local Government Association (LGA) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Birmingham to listen to the views of community representatives and explain its role in working in partnership with communities for a safer future.

RWM’s mission is to ensure radioactive waste is safely managed and packaged today ready for long-term disposal in a future geological disposal facility (GDF).

To deliver its mission RWM will work closely with Local Authorities and community representatives who are likely to play a significant role in the process to site and host a GDF.

The results of public consultations held earlier this year are now being used to help shape the policy which will outline the role communities will play in the siting process. In parallel, the government have also been developing the planning framework for what is set to be one of the largest Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects ever undertaken in the UK.

Ann McCall, Siting & Engagement Director for RWM, said

A lot of progress has been made since the last LGA conference so we are delighted to be here once again,
providing an opportunity for us to listen to the views of community representatives as we progress this vital
programme on behalf of society.