News story: Regenerative medicine at the front line network event – information pack

At the event in Bristol, a series of presentations provided details of the 2 challenges that make up the Defence and Security Accelerator competition Regenerative medicine at the front line.

Event slides

To set the scene, DASA Innovation Partner Jim Pennycook opened the event by giving an update on the Accelerator and an overview of research funding opportunities for innovative science and technology providers.

Challenge context and overview

Dr Abi Spear, Dstl’s Principal Scientist gave an overview of the competition and outlined its strategic importance. Lt Col Graham Lawton also briefed the audience on how front line services would use these emerging technologies and the difference it’s hoped it will make.

Technical overview

Dr Abi Spear then gave a technical overview and outlined the competition challenges. Information on the competition process was briefed by Emma Howe, Accelerator Competition Manager.

How to work with DASA

Mike Madden, Open Call for Innovation Lead outlined how organisations can work with DASA and gave advice on how to submit good proposals for funding.

The competition closes at midday on 11 April 2018.

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