News story: Re-appointments to the Board of AHDB


Environment Secretary Michael Gove, with the approval of the Devolved Administrations, has reappointed George Lyon and Paul Temple to the Board of AHDB for second terms.

The re-appointments have been made in accordance with the Governance Code on Public Appointments issued by the Cabinet Office. Both re-appointments will run from 1 April 2018 till 31 March 2021.

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity to be made public.

George Lyon

George Lyon has already served a term of three years on the AHDB and is Chair of the AHDB Remuneration & Nominations Committee, Chair of Meat & Livestock Commercial Services Limited (MLCSL) and has been a senior consultant for the agri-food practice of Hume Brophy since 2015.

George was a member of the European Parliament in 2009 till 2014, serving on the Agricultural and Rural Affairs committee. He played a central role in negotiating key aspects of agreements on both CAP reform and the EU budget, and also worked on issues related to trade policy, with a particular focus on EU relations with the US and the emerging negotiations on TTIP.

George will receive £11,100 per annum based on his commitment of 36 days.

Paul Temple

Paul Temple has already served one three year term on the AHDB Board and chairs the Cereals & Oilseeds sector board. He is a past Vice President for the NFU, chairman of the COPA COGECA Cereals, Oilseeds & Protein Group and founder of the European Biotech Forum and previously sat on the National Non Food Crops Centre Board. He also serves as Voluntary Initiative Chairman (VI Chairman). Paul farms 312 hectares in partnership on the East Yorkshire Wolds, producing cereals for seed, oilseed rape, vegetables and beef.

Paul has not declared any political activity in the past five years.

Paul will receive £32,000 per annum based on a time commitment of 104 days.


  • AHDB is an independent Non-Departmental Public Body created under the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Order, 2008.
  • The Board for AHDB comprises a Chairman and nine members.

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