News story: Prime Minister Reappoints National Heritage Memorial Fund / Heritage Lottery Fund (NHMF / HLF) Trustee


Jim Dixon has been reappointed by the Prime Minister as a Trustee of NHMF/HLF for a term of three years, ending on 30 September 2020

Jim Dixon is a biologist who has worked in landscapes, public bodies, business and voluntary organisations in a career spanning 35 years. He has a portfolio of non-executive, advisory and media roles. His non-executive roles are with NHMF/HLF, the Water Industry, the Rural Payments Agency and the private sector and he advises organisations on rural strategy, tourism, corporate sustainability and leadership. He writes for a variety of publications, including a monthly Nature Notebook feature for The Times. Jim is also Chairman of a small specialist Travel company and trades in antiquarian books and antiques. Previous to this he was Chief Executive of the Peak District National Park until December 2014, including four years during which he led the UK partnership of 15 national parks and led their work on housing and planning, conservation, education, transport and communications. Previous roles have included leading strategy for the newly-formed Defra and leading agriculture and rural policy work for English Nature and the RSPB. Jim studied Biology at Cardiff University.

The role is remunerated at £6,560 per annum. This reappointment has been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office’s Governance Code on Public Appointments. It is a requirement of the Code that political activity by those appointed is declared. Jim has declared no such political activity.

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