News story: PM meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven: 16 November 2017

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

“In advance of the Gothenburg Social Summit, Prime Minister Theresa May held a bilateral meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

“PM May began by thanking PM Löfven for hosting tomorrow’s important summit, which gathers together heads of State and government, social partners and other key players to work together to promote fair jobs and growth.

“On Brexit, the two leaders discussed the progress made so far in the negotiations on citizens’ rights, Northern Ireland and the financial settlement.

“PM May reiterated her wish for the UK to have the smoothest possible exit from the EU followed by a deep and special partnership.

“Both leaders said they wanted to see further positive discussions ahead of the December European Council.

“PM Löfven said that, post Brexit, he wanted strong UK/Swedish relations as well as a strong relationship between Britain and the EU.

“Mrs May welcomed the deepening of the close defence and security cooperation between the two countries, including in the Baltic region.

“The leaders spoke about working together to tackle terrorism, including the importance of internet and social media companies automatically removing terrorist content.

“The leaders also discussed how important it is for the EU to continue to have a firm and unified position on Russia.”