News story: New Marine Management Organisation Board members announced


The Government has appointed three new members to the Board of the Marine Management Organisation.

Belinda Howell and Rob Wilson have been appointed for three years commencing on 1 May 2018. William Roberts has also been appointed for three years and his appointment will commence on 1 August 2018.

Board members provide non-executive leadership challenge and support to the executive through regular Board meetings, committees and groups.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) established in April 2010 and given powers under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The MMO has a wide range of responsibilities, which include implementing plan-led marine management, licensing marine works and managing UK fishing fleet capacity and UK fisheries quotas.

All appointments to the Marine Management Organisation are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. The appointments comply with the Code of Practice of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

There is a requirement for appointees’ political activity (if significant) to be declared. The following political activity in the past five years has been declared:

Rob Wilson has declared that he held ministerial office for the Conservative party.

Marine Management Organisation Board members receive remuneration of £11,804 per annum based on a time commitment of 3 days per month.

Biographical details:

Belinda Howell is Managing Director of Decarbonize Ltd. She is a Vice President to the Round Table for Responsible Soy Association and sits on the Board of Governors at the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Association. Belinda was formerly an Independent Sustainability Panel Member for Lafarge Tarmac and Scottish Power; and Chief Executive Officer to Greenstone Carbon Management.

William Roberts is currently a Consulting Director working with companies such as AECOM and BCG. William also chairs the Energy and Natural Resources Group for the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Until 2010, William was the Chief Financial Officer at the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority where he reshaped investment decision making for the UK’s £3bn per annum, nuclear clean-up programme.

Rob Wilson is the current Chair of The Community Bank and was previously Chair of an IT company. Until June 2017, Rob was a Minister at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and prior to this was a Minister for Cabinet Office. During his time at the Cabinet Office, Rob was responsible for reforming the charity fundraising and the National Citizen Service as well as implementing the Prime Minister’s ‘Big Society’ agenda.

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