News story: New ‘Cumbria Exchange’ portal is launched

The Cumbria Exchange website works on a simple ‘offers and needs’ basis.

Cumbria Exchange will build on the strong community spirit that exists in the area, by helping businesses and the community find each other for mutual benefit.

It will function as an online matching service, by quickly connecting those who need help, to those who can provide it.

It works on a simple ‘offers and needs’ basis.

Councillor David Moore, Chair of the Copeland Community Fund said;

This is an exciting collaboration that the community and businesses have been waiting for.

The sense of community spirit in Cumbria is phenomenal, but alone this isn’t enough, we needed a place that people can go to understand what help is needed, and what support is available.

Cumbria Exchange is a simple forum that makes this process easier.

We didn’t want to wait for a flood or crisis, this is something that can get maximum benefit for the community at all times.

For businesses, it tells them what the community really needs, and for community organisations it give them a place they can go to ask for help, whether that be advice, manpower or equipment.

It will only succeed if people use it, so I would urge community groups and businesses to submit your requests and offers, however big or small.

Community organisations simply submit a ‘support wanted’ request if they need help, however big or small.

Businesses can post in the ‘support offered’ area if they have specific skills, expertise or equipment that can be of benefit to the community.

Cumbria Exchange is the result of a group of organisations and community groups identifying a need for a more coordinated approach to creating social and economic impact.

It was developed as collaboration between the Copeland Community Fund, Cumbria Community Foundation, Low Level Waste Repository Ltd, the Nuclear Community Network (Sellafield Ltd and supply chain), Britain’s Energy Coast, Business in the Community and United Utilities.

It is a result of numerous community groups and local businesses identifying the need for a more coordinated way of supporting each other.

Anyone can submit a request or offer by going to Cumbria Exchange.

For support please contact by Telephone: 01946 598352 or Email: