News story: National award for supporting young people in space launched in 2015 and has since helped thousands of young people find their dream job in space.

Robert Garner, Mission Analyst at the UK Space Agency said,

I’m honoured to have been awarded with a Sir Arthur Clarke for my work with UKSEDS and

I could not have done it without the team of student volunteers who give up their spare time to highlight the importance of the space sector, and provide opportunities for young people to launch their careers.

Robert served on the UK’s national student space society (UKSEDS) Executive Committee and Board of trustees, where he helped run the organisation and developed opportunities for fellow students by building partnerships with major space companies and supporting the organisation of the National Student Space Conference.

Robert studied Physics (with Space Science and Technology) at the University of Leicester and completed his Aerospace Engineering PhD at the University of Strathclyde. He now works in the UK Space Agency’s Chief Engineer’s office as a Mission Analyst.

The UK Space Agency recently (5 October 2018) unveiled a list of space sector work placements available to recent graduates or postgraduate students. The full list of placements can be found on

Earlier this year, the Agency announced an allocation of up to £4 million to find solutions to major challenges facing the NHS in its 70th anniversary with NHS England.

The Agency’s Emily Gravestock, Head of Applications, was finalist for the Individual Industry/Project award for this collaborative work with the NHS.

The Sir Arthur Clarke Awards were presented yesterday (1 November 2018) at the British Interplanetary Society’s Reinventing Space Conference.

Other winners include:

  • Industry/ Project Team – Oxford Space Systems
  • Industry/ Project Individual – Magali Vaissiere
  • Academic Study/ Research – The UK Cassini-Huygens Team
  • Team Education & Outreach – ESSERO-UK Space Ambassadors
  • Individual Education and Outreach – Vix Southgate
  • Media, broadcast and written – BBC2 ‘Astronauts: Do you have what it takes?’
  • Lifetime Achievement – Richard Peckham
  • International Space Achievement – SpaceX Falcon Team