News story: IPO named one of UK’s most family friendly employers

Top 30 employers announced by the work-life balance charity Working Families.

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has been named as one of the UK’s most family friendly employers by the charity Working Families.

The list of employers was unveiled on 2 October in London, as part of National Work Life week. The list is made up of organisations who are leading the way in building flexible, family friendly workplaces. Employers large and small from many sectors compete annually to gain a place on the list.

This is the first year the IPO have taken part in this benchmark and are delighted to be recognised for having a flexible and supportive workplace for families.

Sarah Jackson OBE, Chief Executive of Working Families, said:

Congratulations to The IPO whose flexible, agile approach has earned them a much-coveted place on 2017’s list of Top 30 Employers for Working Families. The annual benchmark provides a clear picture, not just of current practice, but also the evolving way organisations think about work life balance and flexible working.

For more information on the Top 30 Employers for Working Families, including the full list of organisations, please see the Working Families website.