News story: Industry Self-Delivery enters a new phase


The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) is pleased to announce a significant change in the way CT Awareness is provided to businesses.

Our current Industry Self-Delivery package is to be replaced with a brand new eLearning product titled; ACT Awareness eLearning. This will provide nationally accredited CT guidance to help industry better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology.

Modules will include:

  • Introduction to Terrorism
  • Identifying Security Vulnerabilities
  • How to identify and respond to Suspicious Behaviour
  • What to do in the event of a Bomb Threat
  • How to identify and deal with a Suspicious Item
  • How to react to a Firearms or Weapons attack

Registration will be simplified for new users and existing users will be automatically accepted onto the scheme.

These changes mean that no further applications for the current Industry Self-Delivery initiative will be considered.

Further details will be available closer to the launch date.

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