News story: Important information for DVLA customers: DVLA services

This means you will not be able to tax your vehicle online, by phone or at the Post Office. Vehicle tax is for the whole month, so if your tax will expire at the end of this month you’ll still have time to tax your car when the service is back to normal on Monday morning.

Not all services are affected and you’ll still be able to view and share your driving licence details with third parties including car hire companies. To avoid any disappointment it’s best to generate a check code now as the codes are valid for 21 days. You can also renew your ten year photocard driving licence at the Post Office.

Remember, it’s against the law to drive an untaxed vehicle on the road. If you buy a car during this weekend you won’t be able to tax it until 6am on Monday 20 August.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for the most up to date information.