News story: Immersive technologies for pupils with autism: apply for funding

The Education Authority of Northern Ireland (EA) has up to £150,000 to invest in projects that use immersive technologies to improve the outcomes of pupils with autism.

Improve education, emotional and social skills

About one in 40 pupils in Northern Ireland has a diagnosis of autism. The condition affects the way they relate to people, situations and their immediate environment.

Immersive technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality have the potential to improve their education, emotional and social skills.

The EA wants to develop educational tools that can be used within a classroom environment. These should target the needs of 3 to 19-years-old with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.

In the first phase, the EA will issue contracts to organisations for feasibility studies. More contracts could be awarded in a further 2 phases to develop the best ideas and test them at scale.

The competition is run under SBRI (the Small Business Research Initiative), which helps the public and private sectors come together to solve challenges facing government.

Competition information

  • the competition opens on 30 June 2018, and the deadline for applications is 23 July 2018
  • it is open to any organisation that can demonstrate a route to market for its idea
  • successful projects will attract 100% funded development contracts
  • tender documentation to apply will be available on e-TendersNI from 30 June 2018
  • a briefing event will be held at the Dundonald Office on 29 June 2018