News story: Ian Baulch-Jones has been appointed as non‑executive director at DVSA

Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling, has appointed Ian Baulch-Jones as a new non-executive director to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).

Ian will take up the post on 28 November 2017 for 2 years.

Ian is an award-winning senior leader, having held positions with National Grid, Deutsche Bank, E.ON, MORGAN EST plc, ITNET UK Ltd (now part of the Serco Group of Companies).

Ian brings to the board an in-depth knowledge of IT and business transformation.

Bridget Rosewell OBE, Chair of DVSA, said:

I am delighted that Ian Baulch-Jones is to join the board of the DVSA and I very much look forward to working with him.

His knowledge and experience will be of great benefit to the board, and the agency, helping people stay safe on Britain’s roads.

The appointment process for non-executive directors has been run in accordance with the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments guidelines. All appointments are made on merit on a personal basis, and political activity and affiliations play no part in the selection process.