News story: HMPPS Staff Awards – nominate an unsung hero


HMPPS wants to hear your story so that outstanding staff can be recognised and rewarded at our Staff Awards.

These awards have a specific category called Changing Lives so you can nominate those unsung heroes. The winners will be announced at the Prison Officer of the Year and Probation Awards in July 2019.

Whether you were a victim of crime, spent time in custody or on probation, or you were a family member affected, you now have the chance to nominate a member of the prison or probation service who went the extra mile for you.

Rory Stewart, Prisons and Probation Minister, said: “These awards are a perfect way to pay tribute to our prison and probation staff for their extraordinary service, commitment and resilience. I attended last year’s awards and I was humbled by how many people wanted to thank our staff for the impact they have had on their lives.

“It truly shows the difference our staff can make and by helping people turn their lives around, they reduce reoffending and protect the public.”

This is the third year this category has been part of the awards and there have been some powerful nominations from people who credit HMPPS with changing and, in some cases, saving their lives.


You have until Friday 8 February to submit your nomination, so if there’s an individual you think deserves a nomination you can fill in the nomination form and submit it to

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