News story: Government reappoints Mike Clancy as member of the Acas Council

The government today (8 April 2019) announced the reappointment of Mike Clancy as an employee member of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) Council.

Mike was appointed to Acas on 1 May 2016 for 3 years as an employee member and has been reappointed in post for another 3 years from 1 May 2019 to 30 April 2022.

Mike has been the General Secretary and Chief Executive of Prospect since 2012. He was a Deputy General Secretary for the previous 8 years. Prospect represents 144,000 professional, technical and specialist staff, employed in government, broadcasting, media, utilities, defence, telecommunications, nuclear decommissioning, air traffic control and science. He is the chief spokesperson and is responsible for the strategic direction and financial management of the union which employs 252 staff, with over 5000 representatives.

Mike has also been an Employment Tribunal (ET) and then an Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) member continuously since 1994. He was appointed to the EAT in 2002.