News story: GCA Supplier Mornings


27 March London

Venue: Victoria House Southampton Row London WC1B 4DA

Programme for London event

9.00 Breakfast Reception

9.30 Introduction from Christine Tacon: Latest Developments in the Work of the Groceries Code Adjudicator

10.00 Questions to the Adjudicator

10.25 Discussion 1: Forecasting

11.00 Coffee break

11.15 Discussion 2: Pay to Stay

12.00 Christine Tacon: Conclusion and next steps

12.15 Close

3 April Manchester

Venue: Manchester Conference Centre, Sackville Street Manchester M1 3BB For directions to the venue go to:

Programme for Manchester event

8.45 Breakfast Reception

9.15 Introduction from Christine Tacon: Latest Developments in the Work of the Groceries Code Adjudicator

9.45 Questions to the Adjudicator

10.10 Discussion 1: Forecasting

10.45 Coffee break

11.00 Discussion 2: Pay to Stay

11.45 Christine Tacon: Conclusion and next steps

12.00 Close

Following the morning events Christine Tacon will be available for one-to-one meetings with suppliers to discuss issues in confidence.

To register for one of the events and to book an individual session please contact

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