News story: GC function explained at lunchtime lecture for European Commission

The Deputy Government Chemist, Selvarani Elahi, gave a lunchtime lecture at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Geel, Belgium

The Deputy Government Chemist, Selvarani Elahi, was invited to give a lunchtime lecture at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (EC JRC) in Geel, Belgium on the 28 March 2017.

Selvarani gave a presentation titled “Dispute Resolution and Fighting Food Fraud – UK Style” in which she gave an overview of the history of LGC, the home of the Government Chemist. She explained the role of the Government Chemist and highlighted three case studies, showing the value the function brings to food testing related disputes.

Selvarani also detailed the benefits of joining the Food Authenticity Network, a free on-line resource developed by UK government to help bring together those involved in food authenticity testing.

Following the lunchtime lecture, Selvarani met with the Head of the EC JRC’s Food Fraud Unit and other scientists to discuss and agree avenues for future collaboration. The meeting was very fruitful and it was agreed to pursue future collaboration opportunities.