News story: Fundraising Event to End Polio in Afghanistan


To mark World Polio Day, and to raise money for this worthy cause, the UK Humanitarian Team and The Rotary Club held a cultural event at the British Embassy.

The slogan of this year’s Polio Eradication Campaign is “We are so close to eradicating Polio forever”

Speaking at the event, the Afghan Minister of Public Health Dr. Ferozuddin Feroz said:

We have worked very hard to reach every child, wherever he or she lives. I would like to thank my frontline workers and our partners, who have worked tirelessly to eradicate this cruel disease.

The money collected by The Rotary Club of Kabul City will help vaccinate as many as 32,000 children in Afghanistan and will also assist with Polio Awareness Campaigns which will be launched across the country to raise awareness of the measures needed to tackle this horrendous disease in remote districts and villages.

Afghan Handicrafts

Afghan Artwork

The British Ambassador, Sir Nicholas Kay said:

The UK is donating £400 million of support, for eradicating polio in the final three countries where this disease is present – Nigeria, Pakistan and of course Afghanistan. I’m extremely pleased that today’s event is focused on such an important challenge of our time – eradicating the cruel disease of polio, that just has no place in the 21st century.

There are still seven cases of Polio in Afghanistan, reduced from 13 in 2016.

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