News story: Foreign Secretary to visit Washington


Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson will travel to Washington DC today (Sunday, 6 May) for two days of talks with the US Administration on Iran, North Korea, Syria, and other major international issues.

While in Washington, the Foreign Secretary will meet Vice President Mike Pence and other senior Administration figures, including National Security Advisor John Bolton. He will also have the opportunity to discuss key issues with Congressional foreign policy leaders.

Speaking ahead of his visit, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

On so many of the world’s foreign policy challenges the UK and US are in lockstep. We’ve seen this recently with the response to the poisonings in Salisbury, our strong response to Asad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria, and the effort to de-nuclearise North Korea.

The UK, US, and European partners are also united in our effort to tackle the kind of Iranian behaviour that makes the Middle East region less secure – its cyber activities, its support for groups like Hezbollah, and its dangerous missile programme, which is arming Houthi militias in Yemen.

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