News story: Encouraging cycling and walking: apply for business funding

Updated: Removed information on briefing webinar due to cancellation.

Up to £470,000 is available for organisations with innovative projects that lead to people walking and cycling more. Innovations may include technology, infrastructure, manufacturing or behavioural change.

This is a Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition. It has 2 phases. Up to £170,000 is available for phase 1, and up to £300,000 for phase 2.

Natural choice for shorter journeys

The government’s vision is for cycling and walking to become the natural choice for shorter journeys. The Department for Transport (DfT) is funding this competition and is inviting proposals which:

  • remove current barriers to walking and cycling
  • encourage people to make more journey stages to by bicycle or on foot

Removing the barriers

To meet these aims, DfT intends to focus on:

  • better safety – safety and safety perceptions are among the biggest barriers for people wanting to take up cycling and walking

  • better mobility – to make cycling and walking normal, easy and enjoyable, we need better links and networks to key destinations

  • better streets – well-designed and accessible streets can encourage people to walk or cycle more as part of their daily routine

Competition information

  • this competition opens on Wednesday 19 April 2017, and the deadline for registration is midday on 7 June 2017
  • this competition is open to individuals, groups and organisations, but is particularly suitable for early-stage, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • industry partners such as local government, independent and third sectors can carry out the project on their own or with others
  • total project costs can vary between £25,000 and £100,000 and up to 15 weeks to up to 9 months, depending on the phase