News story: Defence Secretary welcomes Iraqi Victory in Mosul


Updated: update

Welcoming Prime Minister Abadi’s statement on Mosul, Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said:

I congratulate Prime Minister Abadi, and the Iraqi forces who have been fighting on the ground with great bravery and care against a brutal opponent. Daesh has total disregard for innocent civilian life and we should welcome their defeat in a city that was ground zero for their so-called caliphate.

Britain has played a leading role in the Coalition that has helped bring about the removal of the death cult from Mosul. The RAF has struck more than 750 targets as part of the campaign to liberate Mosul – second only to the United States. While these pin point strikes have brought an end to Daesh in the city, there is still more to do. This barbaric group remains dug in west of the Euphrates and clearing operations in and around Mosul will be needed because of the threat from improvised explosive devices.

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