News story: CSPL publishes ‘Setting the Standard’ its Strategic Plan, Annual Report and Forward Plan

Launching the report ‘Setting the Standard’ at a horizon scanning event, Lord Bew said:

In 2016-17, we considered issues across public life from regulatory bodies to referendums, and party funding to induction for new MPs, to reinforce the importance of the Nolan Principles and emphasise their relevance in fast-changing times.

In September we launched our report on regulators, Striking the Balance – Upholding the Seven Principles of Public Life in Regulation. In 2017-18 we will publish the findings of our current review on ‘reasonable limits’ for MPs’ outside interests, and work with a wide range of audiences to address other standards issues.

The new Parliament provides an opportunity for everyone in public life to reflect on their standards of conduct, both what they do well and what can be improved. As the process of negotiating and scrutinising the UK’s departure from the EU begins, honesty and integrity in political discourse has never been more important. We call on all public office holders to consider how they can incorporate the Seven Principles into their daily work to promote public trust and confidence as we face the challenges ahead.