News story: Crime news: helpline and email change for National Crime Team

Call 0121 232 5500 and use new single email from 27 February 2017 for enquiries to our National Crime Team.

A new number of 0121 232 5500 must be used from 27 February 2017 when calling the National Crime Team(NCT) and the Criminal Applications Team(CAT).

NCT will also only have a new single email – see below.

When should we use the helpline?

The new single telephone number of 0121 232 5500 should be used for enquiries about criminal legal aid applications, hardship and complex means assessments. For example, defendants who are self-employed from 27 February 2017.

What are the opening hours?

9am to 5pm Monday-Friday – excluding bank holidays.

Why is this happening?

We’re making this change because providers have asked us to make it simpler to contact us.

In the past, for complex means assessments providers have been asked to contact our teams in either the Nottingham or Liverpool offices.

The change will also allow us to manage calls more efficiently, which should improve our service.

New NCT email

From 27 February all emails for the attention of NCT should be sent to:

CAT emails

These should still be sent to the office dealing with the application.