News story: Crime news: CRM12 duty rota deadline is 6 October 2017

Remember to send CRM12 applications by the deadline if you want to join the next duty solicitor rota.

The deadline to submit CRM12 applications for slots on the next duty solicitor rota is 23.59 on Friday 6 October 2017.

No late applications

This deadline is for rotas running from 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2018. We cannot accept late applications. We will revert to six-monthly rotas from 1 April 2018.

Completing CRM12s

Organisations wishing to make amendments to their existing rota membership must submit a fully completed CRM12.

This should detail all the duty solicitors which providers wish to add or remove from rotas starting 1 January 2018.

Details of duty solicitors currently on the rotas can be found in the members’ lists which are published on GOV.UK – see below.

Providers who have not previously submitted a CRM12 will need to provide a copy of the Criminal Litigation Accreditation Scheme (CLAS) certificate. This should be sent with their CRM12.

Attendance requirements

Organisations will also need to confirm to us that they will meet the contractual attendance requirements for their solicitors. They should only nominate duty solicitors who:

  • carry out 14 hours’ contract work a week from offices for which rota slots are held
  • are not named for rota slots with another organisation

CRM12 form and email