News story: Country in full swing to party for the royal wedding

With just over 1 month to go until the royal wedding, Pubs Minister Jake Berry MP is encouraging people to celebrate the big day with their community first at a street party and later at their local.

Pub opening hours have been extended for the special occasion and the industry stands to get a £10 million boost from celebrations.

As well as heading to their local community pub, people are also being urged to not leave it too late to plan a street party. Ahead of these royal celebrations we’ve updated our online guidance for those wishing to throw a street party and are providing a handy checklist and practical advice for what is needed.

Across the country councils are receiving hundreds of applications from residents wanting to hold a street party and while most councils are still accepting applications, people need to be quick if they haven’t yet sent theirs in.

To date, Reading has received 12 applications for street parties, Richmond 54 and Bromley around 60, to name just a few, and with many councils waiving fees for street party road closures, the minister is also encouraging people to get their applications in on time.

To help these street parties be the best ever, we’re encouraging people to share their top tips using the hashtag #StreetPartyTips. Recipes, costume ideas, decorations – we want to see the different ways in which people are planning to celebrate.

Pubs Minister Jake Berry MP said:

Pubs are a cornerstone of many communities and I’m encouraging people to raise a glass to the happy couple in their local on May 19th.

Up and down the country, councils have answered our call to make it easy for people to throw a street party fit for a prince and his bride.

National Chairman of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) Colin Valentine said:

CAMRA is not just raising a glass to the royal couple, but also to the government for their decision to extend pub opening hours during the Royal Wedding celebration.

Pubs play a hugely important role in landmark days in peoples’ lives, including weddings.

Extending opening hours will provide a welcome boost to the industry and help ensure the public can celebrate, hopefully by toasting to the happy couple with a pint of traditional real ale.

Many councils, such as Salford, are screening the royal wedding in local parks, providing yet another way for people to celebrate the day.

For those living in areas where the deadline for submitting applications has already passed there are other ways in which you can celebrate. It is still possible to arrange a street meet on a driveway, parking area, front garden or end of a cul-de-sac.

The department’s guidance includes a simple form people can use to let their local council know about their plans and information on how to apply for a road closure as well as information on playing music, insurance and fund raising.

View our updated guidance on holding a street party.

More helpful tips, advice and support for organising a successful event can be found on the Street Party website and The Big Lunch website.

See further information on Street Meets.