News story: CMA accepts Origin’s remedy proposal


The CMA has accepted Origin’s proposal to maintain competition in fertiliser supply in Scotland, following its merger with Bunn.

Origin and Bunn are 2 of the 3 main suppliers of fertiliser to farmers and farmers’ merchants in the central/eastern region of Scotland.

In its initial investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found that bringing the 2 firms together could see prices rise or result in a reduction in the choice of fertiliser available to local customers.

Origin subsequently offered to sell Bunn’s Montrose business to prevent any negative impact on competition from the merger.

The CMA found that Origin’s proposal would, in principle, satisfy its competition concerns and opened a 15-day consultation in September on the remedy. Following this, the CMA is now fully satisfied that the proposal will address the issues that it identified and will not be referring the case for an in-depth, phase 2, investigation.

Bunn’s Montrose business will now be sold to Glasson Grain Limited.

All information relating to the investigation is available on the case page.

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