News story: Civil news: guidance updates for escape cases and civil finance
We have updated the guidance handbooks for civil finance and escape cases.
Civil finance handbook changes
One of the main changes is the update to the guidance on whether a claim should be rejected, assessed or ‘document requested’. This change was dealt with recently in a GOV.UK news article on 22 March 2018.
We have also updated the rates section to provide additional clarity on the rates payable in family cases.
Escape cases handbook changes
The main changes relate to additional guidance on rates in housing cases, means assessment and guidance for asylum work.
We have also added in a template for use where there has been third party support.
The VAT section in both handbooks has been updated.
Full details of the changes for civil cases and escape cases can be found at the front of the handbooks.
How to use the handbooks
The electronic handbooks for both civil finance and escape cases contain our operational requirements and guidance.
They should be used together with the cost assessment guidance and also the relevant contracts.
Further information
Funding and costs assessment for civil and crime matters – to download the ‘electronic handbook’
Submit a claim for payment – to download ‘Guidance for escape case claims’
Improvements to reject process to speed up payments – GOV.UK news story on 22 March 2018