News story: Civil news: applications for supervision orders and extensions
Crucial difference between applications for supervision orders under s.31 Children Act and extension of an existing supervision order.
Supervision orders
Means and merit tests are not needed when applying for supervision orders under section 31 of the Children Act 1989.
Applications should be submitted as Special Children Act cases because that is the legislation which applies. Special Children Act cases are not subject to means or merit tests.
Extension of supervision orders
Means and merit tests do apply to extensions to supervision orders.
Applications should be submitted as Public Law Children cases because extensions to supervision orders are not defined as Special Children Act cases.
The legislation which applies is schedule 3, Part II Children Act 1989.
A Special Children Act quick guide is available on the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) training website – see below.
Further information
CCMS training website – see Special Children Act under ‘making an initial application’