News story: Civil news: 2018 CLA contract discrimination tender opportunity
An opportunity has opened to tender for specialist legal advice in the discrimination category.
This is to deliver work via the Civil Legal Advice (CLA) telephone helpline.
It follows the LAA’s announcement on 5 February that it had cancelled the procurement process for new CLA discrimination services following receipt of insufficient compliant tenders.
Who can tender?
The tender process is open to both existing contract holders and new entrants. It is a single-stage process that will assess:
The LAA has extended the current CLA discrimination contract held by one current provider. That current provider is excluded from taking part in the tender process.
The LAA’s intention is to award up to a further 4 CLA contracts in the discrimination category as a result of the tender process.
How can I tender?
Tenders must be submitted using the LAA’s e-Tendering system – see below. A link is also available on the tender pages of the LAA website.
If you wish to tender then you must submit a response to the discrimination invitation to tender (ITT).
You may also need to submit a response to the selection questionnaire that forms part of your tender response.
This will be required if your organisation:
did not submit a tender for a face to face contract, Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme contract or a CLA specialist advice contract as part of last year’s main civil 2018 contracts tender process
submitted a tender but was excluded at the selection questionnaire stage
submitted a tender but has a selection questionnaire response which is no longer valid
Organisations which tendered successfully as part of the main civil 2018 contracts tender process and whose circumstances have not changed will need to confirm this in their tender response.
Deadline for tender submissions
All bids must be made through LAA’s e-Tendering system by 5pm on 1 June 2018.
Further information
Civil 2018 contracts tender – to find out more and download the IFA document
e-Tendering system – to submit your tender