News story: Celebrate your shortlisted 2021 UK City of Culture City

Show your support for the 5 shortlisted cities before the winner is revealed on 7 December.

On the evening of 7 December, the 2021 UK City of Culture will be revealed. The winning city will be selected from a shortlist of 5 UK cities comprised of Coventry, Paisley, Stoke-on-Trent, Sunderland and Swansea.

How to get involved

In the run up to the winner being announced, we’ll be shining a spotlight on each of these cities in turn through our social media channels on the following days:

  • Friday 1 December: #Coventry
  • Monday 4 December: #Paisley
  • Tuesday 5 December: #Sunderland
  • Wednesday 6 December: #StokeonTrent
  • Thursday 7 December: #Swansea

You can also show your support and get involved in celebrating what you love about each of these cities on these days on your social media channels by:

  • Following DCMS on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to follow and share our content.
  • Sharing your messages of support for your favourite shortlisted city on their day.
  • Posting images and videos about your favourite places to visit and enjoy in these cities.
  • Sharing your stories and facts about what makes each shortlisted city unique.
  • Make sure you include your city as a hashtag alongside the #CityofCulture2021 hashtag to join the conversation.

About the UK City of Culture

The UK City of Culture is a designation given to a city in the United Kingdom for a period of one year. Derry-Londonderry was the first winner in 2013, followed Hull, which is the current title holder for 2017. Find out more about Hull 2017.