The British & Irish Lions are touring New Zealand from 3 June to 8 July. The Tour is expected to attract up to 30,000 travelling fans. If you’re one of them, please read the following advice and check out our travel advice for New Zealand.


Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of one month from the date of exit from New Zealand.

If you lose your passport, or it’s stolen, you will need to get an Emergency Travel Document from the nearest British Consulate.


British passport holders can enter New Zealand as a visitor for up to 6 months on arrival without a visa, provided you can satisfy an Immigration Officer that you meet the requirements of the immigration rules. Visitors must have an onward ticket.

If you’re transiting another country en route to or from New Zealand, make sure you check the entry requirements for that country. New Zealand’s immigration rules are strict, particularly regarding employment. Anyone wishing to work will need a visa allowing employment.

For more information about visas, visit the New Zealand Immigration website or contact the nearest New Zealand High Commission.

Travel Insurance

Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.

At the matches

Match venues will be enforcing their standard conditions of entry. Generally speaking, prohibited items include: alcohol; drugs; glass bottles or breakable containers; metal containers, cans; offensive weapons, including potential missiles; flags over 1m x 1m in size; and professional camera/video/ audio equipment.

All match venues reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who is intoxicated and/or disorderly. Licensing laws are strictly enforced: even being mildly intoxicated can lead to being refused entry.


The level of crime is no higher than in the UK. Be careful with personal possessions and travel documents in cities and other popular tourist destinations. Avoid carrying everything in one bag; only carry what you need; and leave spare cash and valuables in hotel safety deposit boxes. Don’t leave bags unattended in vehicles, internet cafes, pubs or clubs.


See the extensive advice available on the following websites, NZ Police, NZ AA, and Freedom Camping.

  • do recognise that NZ roads are different; outside of the main cities, there are very few motorways; if you’re travelling a long distance your average speed will be 80 kmh, not 100 kmh, (even on State Highway 1 due to hills, weather and all the little towns where there are no by-passes);
  • don’t travel in convoys of camper vans; if you’re travelling slower than the local traffic it is convention in New Zealand to pull over to the left often to allow faster traffic to pass you;
  • don’t rely exclusively on GPS to select routes, it may direct you to roads that aren’t suitable for your vehicle; talk to locals (at service stations perhaps) and take their advice

Emergency services numbers

The number for the emergency services in New Zealand is: 111.

Further information

British & Irish Lions website

NZ Police Website

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