News story: Animal medicines prosecution: Horse Health Wessex Ltd

Details of the prosecution of Horse Health Wessex Ltd. Published in July 2017.

On 21 June 2017 at Southampton Magistrates Court, Horse Health Wessex Ltd pleaded guilty to placing a veterinary medicinal product on the market, contrary to regulations 4(1) of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013.

HORSE HEALTH WESSEX LTD between 1/10/2013 and 26/02/2017 at Southampton, placed a veterinary medicinal product on the market referred to as Sarcoid Cleansing Salve and Super-S Cleaning Salve, whereas the product has not been granted a marketing authorisation by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate.

The company was given credit for an early plea and ordered to pay a fine of £5,000 with a victim surcharge of £150 and costs of £250.