News story: 22nd International Chemical Weapons Demilitarisation Conference


Dstl is hosting the 22nd annual International Chemical Weapons Demilitarisation (CWD) Conference. The two-day event on 22 to 24 May 2019 is at the Park Plaza Hotel Victoria London along with an informal networking session at the hotel on the eve of the conference.

The CWD conference brings together the world’s largest gathering of professionals involved in the demilitarisation of chemical weapons. It provides the opportunity to showcase the global progress in chemical weapon destruction and enables delegates to develop their knowledge and understanding with a common goal of a safer, cleaner world.

There will be representation from policy and decision-makers across international organisations, UK government, the armed forces, industry, academia, and research and development establishments worldwide.

The conference supports the global effort to eliminate chemical weapons and fosters co-operation through the exchange of information and ideas relating to the safe disposal.

Conference topics

The proposed topics for the conference are:

  • programme planning, technology selection, facility construction, operations, safe closure of CWD facilities and environmental remediation and health and safety
  • expedient destruction methods – how to reduce time and cost
  • disposal of chemical weapons precursors in commercial facilities
  • removal and destruction of chemical weapon precursors from Libya
  • exchange of best practice
  • chemical safety and security
  • waste management
  • explosive detonation technology
  • recovery of chemical weapons from seas and rivers/lakes
  • innovative technologies and services
  • laboratory and analytical techniques/instrumentation
  • analytical methods – environmental and biomedical

Further information

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