News story: 2017 Annual Conference: Speaker presentations


The Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) 2017 Annual Conference took place on 26 June 2017, at Church House, Westminster. Over 250 people registered to attend to hear from the Adjudicator and a range of other speakers about progress over the past 12 months, current Code related issues in the groceries sector and plans for the future.

The theme of the conference was ‘Driving Change, Making an Impact’.

Driving Change, Making an Impact

A presentation of the progress of the work of the GCA over the past 12 months.

Christine Tacon, Groceries Code Adjudicator – GCA Annual Report 2016-17 (PDF, 1.96MB, 22 pages)

The GCA annual sector survey results

YouGov presents findings from the GCA commissioned research into experiences and attitudes in relation to retailer compliance with the Code.

Gavin Ellison, YouGov Director – The GCA Annual Sector Survey results (PDF, 1.7MB, 23 pages)

Forward Look

The Adjudicator presents her plans for the coming year

Christine Tacon, Groceries Code Adjudicator – Forward Look (PDF, 1.72MB, 25 pages)

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