New Territories East Cluster announces a Cluster Facility Management Department staff member tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for the New Territories East Cluster (NTEC) made the following announcement today (January 24) regarding a member of staff in the Cluster Facility Management Department who tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19:
     A staff member of the Cluster Facility Management Department of the NTEC developed fever and diarrhoea on Friday (January 22) and attended the Staff Clinic of the Tuen Mun Hospital the next day (January 23). He was subsequently transferred to the Accident & Emergency Department and arranged to undergo a deep throat saliva test. The preliminary test result available last night was positive to COVID-19.
     The hospital infection control team conducted contact tracing and noted that the concerned staff's office is located at Shatin Hospital and his last duty day was January 21. He is mainly responsible for clerical duties relating to medical equipment maintenance services and has no contact with patients. He had been wearing surgical masks during work. No patient was identified as a close contact. Four staff members with whom he had meals together were identified as close contacts and they will be quarantined. It was also noted that the staff had attended a meeting at the Prince of Wales Hospital on January 20 and all meeting participants had been wearing surgical masks.
     As a precautionary measure, the Cluster has arranged COVID-19 tests for the other 10 participants of the meeting and other staff members of the Department concerned. Test results are pending.
     Thorough cleansing and disinfection have been conducted at the office of the staff concerned. The Cluster will continue to closely monitor the health condition of staff and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest progress.

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