Press release
The Government has relaunched the recruitment process for the Victims’ Commissioner in line with the standard public appointments process.

The competition will run from today (25 August) until 19 September with the successful candidate taking on the role in the following months.
It comes as the Government embarks on landmark reforms for victims, including new legislation to ensure they are better heard, served and supported by the criminal justice system. The role of the Commissioner will be crucial in delivering this – promoting the interests of victims and witnesses and ensuring all parts of the criminal justice system meet the standards set out in the Victims’ Code.
The Government is investing nearly half a billion to provide the swift justice that victims deserve, and progress continues on the Rape Action Plan in order to increase the volume of prosecutions flowing through the system.
Dame Vera Baird has agreed to continue in post until 30 September, with an option to extend until the end of the year and has been invited to reapply.
Notes to editors
The job advert can be found at
Published 25 August 2022
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