New Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data appointed (with photo)

     The Government announced today (July 24) the appointment of Ms Ada Chung Lai-ling as the new Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner) with effect from September 4, 2020.

     The appointment is made by the Chief Executive under section 5 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) and is for a term of five years.

     Ms Chung, aged 61 and is currently the Registrar of Companies. She joined the Government as an Assistant Assessor in June 1981. She was called to the Bar in England in July 1988 and joined the former Attorney General's Chambers as Assistant Crown Counsel in the same year. She had assumed various posts including Principal Government Counsel and Deputy Law Officer of the Civil Division, Department of Justice. She has been appointed Registrar of Companies since August 2007. 

     A government spokesman said, "Ms Chung has solid legal expertise and administrative experience, as well as excellent leadership, management and communication skills. In the course of her office as the Registrar of Companies, she has actively participated in the rewrite of the Companies Ordinance, and acquired abundant experience in implementing the new Companies Ordinance. We are confident that Ms Chung will take the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) to a new height with her past legal and administrative experience.
     "The term of office of the incumbent, Mr Stephen Wong, will expire on August 3, 2020. Mr Wong has made important contributions to the protection of personal data privacy both locally and internationally during his tenure. Under his leadership, the work of the PCPD has been enhanced in various aspects, including effectively implementing the PDPO and stepping up various publicity and education efforts to raise the awareness towards protection of personal data privacy of the general public. Mr Wong has also taken the lead to cultivate a privacy-assuring culture in both public and private organisations, and encouraged them to embrace data ethics regarding personal data privacy protection as part of their corporate governance. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr Wong's service in the past five years."
     "After the expiry of the incumbent's term of appointment, the Deputy Privacy Commissioner will act as the Privacy Commissioner until the designated assumes office," the spokesman added.
     An open recruitment exercise was conducted earlier this year to select the new Privacy Commissioner. A Selection Board was appointed to consider the candidates and make recommendation to the Chief Executive. The Selection Board comprised Mr Chow Chung-kong as chairman, with Ms Elizabeth Law, Mrs Carrie Yu and the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs as members. In line with the practice of open recruitment for senior positions, the Government engaged an executive search firm to carry out the recruitment exercise.
