New interactive interface for EUIPO’s Service Charter

October 30, 2020 About the EUIPO

New interactive interface for EUIPO’s Service Charter

The Service Charter has a more user-friendly design and new interactive features.

In line with the 2025 Strategic Plan’s objective of improving user experience and evolving with the digital era, the Office has revamped the Service Charter web page. The Service Charter has a new visualisation that features simpler graphics, interactive categories and a quick summary.

Third quarter results

The results of the third quarter of 2020 continue showing the recovery resulting from the measures taken by the Office to improve the performance of the indicators and help customers cope with the difficult situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic (including the publication of two time limit extension decisions by the Executive Director).

Currently all the indicators are in the Excellence or Compliance categories. This also includes the Cancellation timeliness indicator which is now back in Compliance after a long period in Action Needed. All in all, 98.9% of the total amount of files processed by the Office were completed without any delay.

See the new Service Charter page

Tag: #ipexcellence