New figures show that Theresa May is failing millions of NHS patients – Jonathan Ashworth


Jonathan Ashworth, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, commenting on

NHS England Combined
Performance Statistics

for March released today, said:

“Theresa May’s winter crisis is stretching into summer and it is
NHS patients who are paying the price. The Tories have caused chaos in A&E
and have admitted that waiting times are only going to continue to grow. The
truth is that standards of care for NHS patients have collapsed this winter
because years of Tory underinvestment have left staff unable to cope with
rising demand, and cuts to out of hospital care have left patients stuck in
hospital even when they’re well enough to go home.

“Thousands more people are waiting for A&E care and routine
treatment every week because of the failures of this Tory Government. Behind
every one of these statistics is a patient and their family in pain because of
Theresa May’s refusal to give the health service the funding it needs.

this election only Labour are promising to give the NHS the funding it needs to
deliver the standards of care which patients expect. By guaranteeing and
upholding the standards of service to which patients are legally entitled under
the NHS Constitution Labour will help millions of people who are being failed
by Theresa May and the Conservative Government.”

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