New arrangement for receiving Fantastic Television Limited’s TV programme channels starting from April 1, 2022

     The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) today (March 31) reminded members of the public of the new arrangement for receiving TV programme channels of Fantastic Television Limited (Fantastic TV).
     "Following the approval granted by the Communications Authority on February 24 this year for Fantastic TV to use radio spectrum as an additional means of transmission to deliver its free TV service, Fantastic TV will broadcast its TV programme channels via both fixed network and radio spectrum starting from April 1. At the initial stage, the broadcasting via radio spectrum will cover around 75 per cent of the Hong Kong population. Fantastic TV will extend its coverage to 99 per cent of the population by May 24, 2023. The coverage areas under each stage are detailed in the Annex ( The existing channel numbers of Fantastic TV's TV programme channels (i.e. 76 and 77) will remain unchanged," a spokesperson for OFCA said.
      "Buildings currently receiving Fantastic TV's free TV service via fixed network can continue to receive the service using the existing means, and need not make any changes. For those buildings not yet receiving Fantastic TV's free TV service, with reference to the coverage areas under each stage as specified in the Annex (, relevant property owners or managers may need to upgrade their common antenna broadcast distribution systems in a timely manner for reception and distribution of digital terrestrial TV (DTT) frequency channel 22 (i.e. 478 – 486 MHz), and advise residents to rescan for TV programme channels on their digital TV receivers in order to receive Fantastic TV's programmes. Viewers using self-provided antennae only need to perform channel rescanning in order to receive the service of Fantastic TV if their locations are within the areas covered by the radio spectrum," the spokesperson continued.

     Members of the public may refer to the consumer alert ( issued by OFCA today for details on how to receive the new DTT programme channels. Relevant enquiries can be made to Fantastic TV's hotline at 2112 0678 or its email address at For other enquiries on TV reception, members of the public may also contact OFCA at 2961 6333.