New ACCEA Medical Director announced

News story

Professor Kevin Davies has been appointed as Medical Director of the Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA) for 3 years from 1 July 2020.

Professor Kevin Davies

Professor Kevin Davies is Foundation Chair of Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, where he teaches and assesses undergraduates and postgraduates. He is Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH).

Kevin’s clinical and research focus is multi-system rheumatic disease.

Kevin has extensive NHS management experience, having worked in senior roles at Kent, Surrey and Sussex Local Clinical Research Network, Hammersmith Hospital and BSUH. He is also a senior clinical examiner for the Royal College of Physicians, having been an international director there. Kevin has board-level experience in the charity sector, having been a trustee of Arthritis Research-UK (now Versus Arthritis).

He has been involved with ACCEA at a senior level for many years, most recently as Medical Vice-Chair for the South East region and as a member of its main committee.

This appointment has been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office Code of Governance for Public Appointments. It has been made on merit and political activity played no part in the decision process. During the appointments process, Kevin has not declared any political activity.

The post is for up to 2 days a week and has a salary of £52,540 a year.

Kevin said:

This is a very exciting and challenging time to take over as Medical Director of ACCEA. The NHS has a uniquely diverse medical and dental workforce with a diverse range of skills, not just in the clinical service domain, but also in management, education and research.

As a new scheme evolves, our priorities must be to continue to ensure that excellence is appropriately recognised in all these areas, and that awards are allocated in the most equitable way possible.

Published 9 June 2020