National Security Education Day cum Hong Kong Police Force 180th Anniversary Police College Open Day held today (with photos)


     To tie in with the National Security Education Day on April 15 and celebrate the 180th anniversary (180A) of the establishment of Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF), the Police held the “National Security Education Day cum Hong Kong Police Force 180th Anniversary Police College Open Day” at the Hong Kong Police College today (April 13). The event aimed to promote public awareness of national security, enhance the cultivation of national identity and foster communications between the Police and the public while sharing joy and fun.
     The Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, in his welcome speech, mentioned the holistic approach to national security. Describing 180A as an important milestone of the Force, he believed that the Force would continue to shoulder its responsibility of safeguarding national security and get united to fulfill its mission and strive for excellence in safeguarding the city beyond the 180th anniversary.
     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, noted that this year marks the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping's proposal of the holistic view of national security, and it is the first National Security Education Day after enacting legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, which were of special significance to Hong Kong. Praising that the Hong Kong Police Force as an important strength in safeguarding Hong Kong and national security, as well as maintaining law and order and protecting the citizens since its establishment in 1844, he thanked the Force on behalf of the Government and citizens for its contribution to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.
     Also speaking at the ceremony, the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Mr Zheng Yanxiong noted that enacting legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law is a significant achievement of the HKSAR in fulfilling its constitutional responsibility. It signifies that Hong Kong now possesses an impenetrable barrier to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and consolidates as a united front to promote Hong Kong's advancement from stability to prosperity. Noting that the HKPF is a highly professional Force serving Hong Kong with honour, duty and loyalty, he hoped that the Police would keep in mind their mission to resolutely safeguard national security, and the steadfast and successful implementation of "One Country, Two Systems", and uphold the rule of law.
     Other officiating guests at the opening ceremony included the wife of CE, Mrs Janet Lee; Head of the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, Mr Dong Jingwei; the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki; Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the HKSAR, Mr Fang Jianming; the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung; Deputy Commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison, Major General Zheng Guoyue; the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations), Mr Chow Yat-ming; the Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security), Mr Kan Kai-yan, and the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management), Mr Chan Joon-sun.
     The Open Day kicked off with a grand show featuring music performances, driving demonstrations, police dog show, and counter-terrorism drill with participation of the Special Duties Unit, the Counter Terrorism Response Unit and the Force Drone Cadre. In addition, to mark the 180th anniversary of the Force, a time capsule placement ceremony was held. The HKPF’s senior management and staff association representatives sealed memorable items such as the Police’s anti-scam mascot, the "Little Grape”, a plaque from the National Security Department, gold medal certificates received by the Force at the 48th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, and photos of respective staff associations. The capsule will be reopened after 20 years, to signify the inheritance of the Police’s professionalism.
     The Open Day features four designated zones themed on “Upholding National Security and Safeguarding Our City”, “Beyond 180 Years”, “Police Fun Zone” and “Modern Police Professional”. Highlights included the upgraded NS Express National Security Exhibition, a virtual reality film showcasing the history of the Force, display of advanced equipment of elite units and police vehicles. Game booths hosted by various police units and secondary cadres, as well as Police sports and arts clubs, also enabled the public to gain a better understanding of the Force and experience its professionalism. Furthermore, 17 HKPF mascots gathered together for the first time to meet, greet and take photos with the public.

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