Named person policy has ‘run aground and should be scrapped’

7 Mar 2017

Liz Smith

The SNP’s hated named person policy “has run aground and should be scrapped”, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

Education secretary John Swinney told Holyrood today that he would bring forward a new bill for state guardians in the summer, and aimed to have it up and running by 2018.

Following the policy being ruled unlawful by the Supreme Court, he added some changes would be made to the data-sharing provisions.

However, shadow education secretary Liz Smith said the policy should be scrapped and, as it stands, will only be heading straight back to the courtroom.

Scottish Conservative shadow education secretary Liz Smith said:

“This is a scheme that has run aground and the fact the delay is now at two years shows exactly that.

“If the SNP had been listening properly it would have recognised months ago that it is completely unworkable and unwanted.

“Every opinion poll on the policy has made clear that the vast majority of parents do not want it, and it’s clear many professionals tasked with delivering it are extremely concerned.

“Rather than muddy the waters even further, John Swinney should scrap this policy once and for all.

“As it stands, the named person policy is heading straight back to court.”

The Scottish Conservatives have repeatedly opposed the named person scheme: