More than 500 adults start learning Welsh thanks to Clwb Cwtsh

Clwb Cwtsh is a free eight-week taster programme which focusses on words and phrases for use with young children. While the grown ups are learning, children are entertained through the medium of Welsh, therefore beginning their own Welsh language journeys.

More than 500 adults across Wales are due to complete the first programme which comes to an end this week. As well as supporting learners to use their new skills, participants are also encouraged to move on to other Welsh for Adults classes to continue their learning.

Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning, Eluned Morgan said:

“Clwb Cwtsh has already experienced a great deal of success. Enabling more than 500 adults to start learning Welsh in such a short period of time is a significant achievement.

“Providing increased opportunities for adults to learn Welsh is vital to reaching our target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050. Offering entertainment for children whilst adults learn is a creative way of increasing access to opportunities for adults to start on their journey to becoming confident Welsh speakers.

“Llongyfarchiadau – congratulations – to all of those who have taken part in Clwb Cwtsh, and to Mudiad Meithrin and the National Centre for Learning Welsh for delivering such an innovative scheme.”

Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Chief Executive, Mudiad Meithrin said:

“The majority of children who receive Welsh-medium childcare in a Cylch Meithrin come from English-speaking families. Enabling and supporting parents and families to start learning Welsh – in an informal atmosphere – is imperative.”

Efa Gruffudd Jones, Chief Executive of the National Centre for Learning Welsh, said: 

“We know that many people want to learn Welsh in order to support their children to be bilingual and we’re delighted this new, joint initiative with Mudiad Meithrin has proved so popular.

“Offering flexible learning solutions is one of our key aims.  As well as developing innovative schemes such as this, we offer a range of classroom and online learning options, with plans to further increase the online offering.”

The next Clwb Cwtsh groups are due to begin later this year. For more information and to find your nearest group class visit